“Memories that Matter' is a new concept of storytelling that I designed in order to bring a series of one-off special events to a small, select invite-only audience. Each event is unique and emotionally significant for everyone involved and helps to raise vital funds for a foundation, charity or good cause of the artist’s choice.

It’s a chance for my guest artist to share their special memories, to celebrate the songs that mean the most to them in an experience they have directly helped to curate; from their favourite food and flowers to the menu of cocktails and wine.

For those of us in the audience, we have the unique opportunity to share those memories and, by doing so, we are making our own memories of an evening we will hold dear for the rest of our lives.”

About Memories that Matter

Mark Aldridge

Founder, Memories that Matter

Memories can be an incredible resource when we find ourselves in the most challenging moments of life, often at a time of serious illness or uncertainty when we feel at our most powerless.

Our most treasured memories can provide the light to sustain us, bringing us closer to our dearest friends and family. I encourage every one of us to cherish moments of pleasure no matter how big or small, to acknowledge that we are the curator of our own series of experiences in life and the memories we are making.

The Importance of Memories

This is not some generic charity dinner and an obligatory performance. It’s an incredibly intimate dinner party, thrown for and by an artist of global stature – to share things that have mattered to them and things that they hold dear. The event has the sole purpose of creating a new memory, a vivid moment of joy, one that everyone in attendance gets to take away, inspired to take up similar actions in their own lives.

Imagine an event where an artist shares not just the music, but many of the details – from the food they love, their favourite wine, the entire vibe, all chosen by our artist. The songs the artist sings could be their most undiscovered, or by artists who have inspired them, the dessert could be something that evokes a wonderful memory from their childhood etc.

The point is our chosen artist is one human being with a lifetime of memories – and we want to give them a setting to share the little things that have mattered to them – a huge reminder to all involved to keep MAKING MEMORIES.

The Concept